Thursday 14 June 2012

The Adventure Begins!!!

Hello Hello!!! 

A lot has happened since my last update. I am officially halfway through my masters degree. Thank god! Three huge papers and an exam and I am wiped! I had a little pick me up half way through it though – Maura showed up! We spent a lovely weekend in Brisbane before heading back down the Coast. (And I turned 23….but I feel old so we don’t have to talk about that one).

So for the next couple months, we’ll be blogging for both of us. We’re starting our adventures in Canberra for Shari and Matt’s engagement party before heading off to Sydney to climb the bridge Oprah style. We’ll try to stay updated as best we can : )

Day 1:
Our day flew by as we packed 38 days worth of traveling into 1 checked bag, 2 carry-ons, a small back pack and a purse. Nothing tests a relationship more than packing two peoples stuff into one bag. (Alex is only bringing 3 pairs of shoes and NO NAIL POLISH – ok Maura brought 2).  We are currently waiting at the Gold Coast airport to board our flight to Canberra. Flight 1 of 12.  

Short update for now, we are too busy playing everything Hasbro on Maura’s iPad. We’re hooked…it’s bad.

More to come!

Alex and Maura

Enjoying a ride on the "Wheel of Brisbane" on a rainy day

PS: Parents and sisters, we love you.

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