Sunday 12 August 2012

Just putting our adventures on pause

Just havin' a napt

I’m sitting in the Sydney Domestic airport after just dropping Ms. Maura Casey at the international airport for her long flight(s) home. Of course we couldn’t resist one more adventure before she took off for home. We spent the weekend in the city and even though it was rainy, we took the ferry ride over to the Taronga Zoo so she could see a Koala before she left Australia.

Since we got back from our big adventure, I’ve been spending a lot of time on campus between my 20 hours of work and my new class schedule. I felt awful about leaving her at home all day, but I must say I could get used to coming home to my little housewife everyday – a glass of wine poured and dinner on the stove or at least planned and ready to be cooked. I’m not sure what I’m going to do without her around, good thing we greatly over estimated how much we could eat for our last several meals so I have copious amounts of frozen leftovers, which should last me the next week or so. Since we got back, we made it back to the coast we’ve been keeping up with big brother, the marvel avengers series (in reverse order, we saw the avengers then went back and watched all the prequels…) and even got off to a few adventures. We spent one afternoon exploring Mt. Tamborine. I had been there earlier this year, but I will never stray away from an afternoon of wine tastings.

Discovering Byron Bay
After our day of wine tastings we rented a car and headed off to Byron Bay. This is one of the “must sees” of the Gold Coast and I hadn’t been there yet. It’s a granola town with beautiful beaches and a lighthouse located on the most easterly point of Australia – very similar to Cape Spear where Maura had taken me last summer when I went to St. John’s to visit her, so it was only appropriate that I took her there. We started our day with a trip to the local market. I cannot explain our time here….it was bizarre. Lots of hippies, lots of bare feet, lots of fun treats. After the market we headed out to he beach to lie in the sun for an hour before heading off to the lighthouse. We walked down the trail to the easterly point and saw some whales and a pack of dolphins. Oh, and did I mention I got pooped on by a bird?!?! All and all, well worth the drive. We stopped for dinner before leaving and “ASTONISHED” the waitress by splitting a bowl of wedges and each have a salad (with vinaigrette dressing) and garlic toast. Apparently we’re fatty mcfatties! So we went next door and got gelato before walking past her with smiles on our way to the car. We both love lots of things about this country, customer service is not one of them…it doesn’t exist here.

I can’t get on the external internet right now, but I have access to the airport website. I see that her flight has just closed and she is probably backing up on to the runway now. I cannot explain to anyone how nice it is to have someone from home come to visit. Maura has been here since June 1, that’s over 10 weeks with me and we’re not even sick of each other. 

Thanks for the best visit ever! I miss you already.
Maura - thank you for all of the laughs, shared bottles of wine and blocks of cheese, games of monopoly and adventures. I miss you more than I can explain already and you’re technically still in the same country and hemisphere as me. We spent 120 days apart, 73 together and we'll be reunited again in about 100. Easy peasy!  Flight tracker tells me you are now in the air. Enjoy the movies, treats, more treats and naps you are about to have and have a Tims for me when you get to Vancouver. I can’t wait for our Monday (or Tuesday) Skype date so we can start planning our next adventures. I love you! 

I miss everyone at home now actually. I’ve been away from Nova Scotia for over 6 months now and I’m starting to get ready to be home to all of you. I have 4 courses to finish, maybe one more last minute adventure during a week off and a long flight away from a double-double and familiar faces. I’ll update again soon – although I’m sure it won’t be as exciting as the last ones have.

xoxo Alex

PS Skype dates are welcome….in fact, encouraged!

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