Saturday 22 September 2012

Dreams come true when you least expect it

River rapids ride -
before I got soaked

Do you ever just need to take a step back from your life and take some time to reflect on what you’ve been doing and what your next move will be? Well, that’s how I’ve been feeling.  It’s less than two months now until I return to a very wintery Canada and I’ve been feeling that I don’t know what that means. So, in a very “Eat, Pray, Love” fashion, I’m on my way to Bali to relax and lay on the beach. It’s “spring break” this week so it is the perfect opportunity to get away from our everyday lives and spend some quality time with the sun.

I know I haven’t updated you all on my life since Maura was here, but to be honest, there hasn’t been a whole lot going on. Break week this semester has fallen three weeks later in the semester than last time so I’m pretty burnt out. I’ve had a ton of uni work I’ve been working away at and I’ve doubled my work hours since the spring too. Three new people moved into the house (two Aussie girls and a Swedish boy) and they are so wonderful.

Could I be anymore excited?!?!
I guess the most exciting thing I’ve done until today was going to Dreamworld (The Gold Coast’s biggest theme pack) last weekend with a few of the girls. It was a beautiful, sunny day with not many people around. I don’t think we waited in any line longer than 30 minutes. The rides were fun, but I think I spoiled myself since bungee jumping; nothing feels quite as thrilling. However, we all had a highlight of the day. For Beth it was realising her new favourite Olympic swimmer (Thomas Fraser Holmes) was spending the day at the park and stalking him until she got her picture taken. For Brit, it was going on the Giant Drop and realising that she reallys like it. This bodes well for her upcoming Sky Diving adventure. For me, it was tigers. There is a section of Dreamworld called “Tiger Island”. There is a collection of tigers that you can go and look at and when there are baby tigers you can pay an extra $99 to go in and have an encounter with them. Well, the day we went, one of the trainers had a medium sized tiger walking around the streets of the parl. I was allowed to go up to it, TOUCH IT, and get my picture taken.
Dream come true

For those of you that don’t know, I love cats, Orange tabby cats are my favourite, so tigers are just a life size version.  I have also always wanted to own a tiger, or at least pet one. This came from countless times watching Aladdin and wanting to be Princess Jasmine. So, I have achieved yet another childhood dream.

I’ll be MIA from social media while in Bali to give myself a chance to be disconnected. I’ll update when I get back – similar to how Maura and I went about it. Love you all. Counting down the days to see my Canadian readers!

Xoxo Alex

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