Wednesday 1 February 2012

As many of you may know (as most of you reading will be my family and friends), I am embarking on my next adventure. A big one. In three days I will be heading Southport, Australia to study my Master of Business in Event Management at Griffith University.

I've always thought I would be half decent at writing a blog as I like to talk a lot. Going to Australia has presented itself as the perfect idea to start. This will be the easiest way for me to keep everyone in my life updated, all at once. I'm far too lazy (and will be busy with school...) to send individual updates to everyone I want - please don't take this as an insult, I'm merely accepting a personal weakness. 

You may be asking "Why the blog name Alex? And who is Dino?" well my friends, Dino is my newest companion. On my last birthday, a dear friend gave me a series of bags and envelopes with strict opening instructions. Inside the first envelop I found a purple, plastic dinosaur. Inside the second, was this:

"Within my family, and a few close friends, when someone embarks on an adventure alone such as you are about to, you give them someone to go with. The point of it all is to give someone you love, someone they can love, and get photos of/with at all sorts of moments places, and it has to be something ridiculous so everyone around you thinks you're nuts!"

So family and friends, here is my very own hilarious, travel companion; Dino: 

So Dino will be my silent companion on my new journey (those of you who know me well, may think that this is the perfect match as I have a tendency to talk a lot). I'll make sure to get lots of photos with my newest friend and keep everyone updated on my life. 

I'm going to keep this post short so I can get back to packing. So far I have cut my nail polish collection from 24 to 12 (50%, I'm impressed even with myself!), I only have two pairs of sparky heels and haven't brought all my sparkly dresses. Progress. 

I leave Nova Scotia February 4 and arrive in Sydney February 6. I'm unsure when I'll be with internet access again, so stay tuned for my further adventures. Good bye for now!

Alex Nicole

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