Tuesday 21 February 2012

I think I’m gonna like it here!

Annie the musical anyone??  So let’s talk about why I like it here so far/why I’m meant to be here.

Sign number 1: My room. When I moved in the landlord said there was a picture for the wall in the garage I could put up. I went into the garage with her and the first picture I saw was this hideous floral print. But it turns out the picture she meant was hidden in the back. It’s a picture of old Hollywood Glam stars all together. Elvis, Marilyn, Judy Garland. It’s so perfect for me!

Sign number 2: I was putting my school supplies away in my desk and I reached in and pulled out an “x” necklace charm. And it’s blue! Not the right StFX blue, but still!!

Sign number 3: There’s an outdoor, outlet shopping mall 10 minutes from here. Enough said! The outlet mall also has a lovely market. This is really the drawing factor for me. $0 for shopping, $2 for two pints of cherry tomatoes…I’m sold!

So I’ve been in the Land of Oz for just over two weeks now. I’m still mid orientation (which I may add is extremely limited unless I want to indulge in “frosh week” activities….been there, done that) and I’m really beginning to feel settled. I’ve been to campus several times now, but still can’t get over how huge it is. I’ve been job hunting, grocery shopping, set up a bank account, and got a cell phone. What a production that has been. It seems that cell service and plans are the same everywhere….a hassle.  I got my prepaid phone with Virgin Mobile last week and I’m still unable to send text messages internationally i.e. home. I’ve been on the phone with their customer service centre for a combined total of at least 2 hours over the past week and am now in the cue, again. However, they have credited my account $5, which at 15 cents per text is pretty generous. I’m sure it will all be sorted out soon. Mom and Dad, you’ll get an “xoa” text soon!

The jungle of our backyard has grown so long that I had stopped tanning in the grass because I was bitten to pieces from the ants and grass bugs. I decided yesterday to buy myself a lawn chair. So I did just that. I bought a lawn chair, took it for a bus ride home and walked the 25 minutes to my house from the bus stop. It was too hot to tan yesterday so I set my pink lawn chair out in the backyard and said good night until the next day.

After sleeping through my alarm this morning (I also bought myself a face mask to block out the sunlight. Miracle worker!) I woke up to my new favourite sound of the whipper snipper and lawn mower. Our jungle grass is now a normal length and my soon to be brown skin is very thankful to the gardener. Cut grass and a lawn chair. Could today have looked any better to me? I got up, made breakfast and BOOM!!! Thunder and lightning. Of course. It would. So it was an indoor day for me today. Curled up on the couch and enjoyed the cool breeze through the windows and watched movies with my roomies.  But fingers crossed for tomorrow : )

Until next time!

Alex xo

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